Saturday, April 18, 2009

Seven Day Spending Fast

Mindful Money: Seven Day Spending Fast
Facilitated by Chanda Jones, Personal Finance Coach

Transform your relationship to money ~ transform your life.

During the fast, we will refrain from spending for a week while we examine our core beliefs and habits around money. Chanda will provide coaching support over the course of the week. Participants will be required to journal or write each day of the fast. A set of questions will be posed (via email) as a guide to assist the journaling process.

Please note, that all entries will be submitted to Chanda at the end of the fast. Some of the information from the entries may be used in a future article for my blog. Anonymity is an option.

By participating in the Seven Day Spending Fast you will:
*Learn how to make meaningful financial decisions (regardless of how much you have).
*Gain clarity and create balance in your relationship to your finances.
*Share, support, and inspire others on their path to achieving financial freedom.

Group Session/Dinner - April 22 (6:30 - 8:30pm)
Spending Fast - April 25 - May 1

A group session and dinner will take place at my home, Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30 - 8:30pm. We will prepare for the upcoming fast during the group session (attendance is required). Please bring a journal and your date book with you.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information contact me at You can also visit my blog at

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